
Check your VTG eligibility here

[contact-form-7 id=”236″ title=”EMPLOYMENT APPLICATION”]

[text* your-name]

VAP Registered?
[radio VAPREGISTERED “Yes” “No”]


Home phone

Date of Birth (optional)

Residency * [radio Residency “Citizen” “PR” “TR” “Student” ]

Have you checked eligibility for VTG?
[radio HaveyoucheckedeligibilityforVTG “Yes” “No”]

Course Name
[select CourseName “ENGLISH AS AN ADDITIONAL LANGUAGE” ” – Cert I in E A L (Access)” ” – Cert II in E A L (Access)” ” – Cert III in E A L (Further Study)” ” – Cert IV in E A L (Further Study)” “DUAL COURSES” ” – Cert II in Building & Construction (Carpentry) – Pre-Apprenticeship & Cert II in Construction – Pathways” ” – Cert III in Business Admin (Medical) & Cert III in Work Health & Safety” ” – Cert III in Logistics & Cert III in Warehouse Operations” ” – Cert III in Logistics & Cert III in Work Health & Safety” ” – Cert IV in Logistics & Cert IV in Work Health & Safety” ” – Cert IV in Work Health & Safety & Cert IV in Human Resources” ” – Cert IV in Frontline Management & Cert IV in Training & Assessment” ” – Cert IV in Frontline Management & Cert IV in Human Resources” ” – Cert IV in Frontline Management & Cert IV in Work Health & Safety” ” – Cert IV in Building & Construction & Cert IV in Work Health & Safety” “HEALTH” ” – Cert II in Health Support Services” ” – Cert III in Health Support Admin (PSA)” ” – Cert III in Pathology” ” – Cert IV in Massage Therapy Practice” ” – Dip of Nursing (Enrolled Div2 Nursing)” “COMMUNITY SERVICES” ” – Cert III in Home & Community Care” ” – Cert IV in Home & Community Care” ” – Cert III in Aged Care” ” – Cert IV in Aged Care” ” – Cert III in Disability” ” – Cert IV in Disability” ” – Cert IV in Mental Health” ” – Diploma of Disability” ” – Dip of Community Services (Alcohol, Drugs)” ” -Diploma of Community Services Work” “WAREHOUSING & LOGISTICS” ” – Cert II in Road T’port Yard Opns (+LF)” ” – Cert III in Driving Opns (with MR Lic)” ” -Cert III in Logistics (+LF)” ” – Cert IV in Logistics(+LF)” “BUILDING & CONSTRUCTION” ” – Cert IV in Building & Construction(Non-Trade)” ” – Cert IV in Building & Construction (Trade)” ” – Cert IV in Work Health & Safety (Building)” ” – Diploma of Building & Construction” “CHILDREN SERVICES” ” -Cert III in Early Childhood Edu & Care” ” – Diploma of Early Childhood Edu & Care” “WORK HEALTH & SAFETY” ” – Cert III in Work Health & Safety” ” – Cert IV in Work Health & Safety” “TRAINING & EDUCATION” ” – Cert IV in Training & Assessment” ” – Diploma of Trg Design & Development” ” – Diploma of Vocational Education & Trg” “FINANCIAL SERVICES” ” – Cert III in Accounts Administration” ” – Cert IV in Finance & Mortgage Broking” ” – Cert IV in Credit Management” ” – Cert IV in Book-keeping” “HUMAN RESOURCES” ” – Cert IV in Human Resources” “SECURITY” ” – Cert II in Unarmed Guard/Crowd Controller” ” – Cert III in Armed Guard / Cash Transit” ” – Cert III Investigative Services” ” – Cert III Bodyguard” ” – Cert IV in Security Risk Management (SRM)” “BUSINESS & MANAGEMENT” ” – Cert II in Business” ” – Cert III in Business” ” – Cert IV in Business” ” – Diploma of Business” ” – Cert III in Business Admin (Medical)” ” – Cert III in Business Admin” ” – Cert IV in Business Admin” ” – Cert IV in Business Sales” ” – Cert IV in Small Business Management” ” – Diploma of Management” ” – Cert II in Customer Contact” ” – Cert III in Customer Contact”]
Other courses of interest:
[text coursesinterstedin]

Best contact time *
[select* Bestcontacttime “Select” “Morning 9:00-1030” “Morning 10:30-12:00” “Arvo 1200-13:00” “Arvo 13:00-3:00” “Arvo 3:00-5:00” “After hours”]

[submit “Send”]

Other courses of interest:
[text coursesinterstedin]